Shira Hadasha was fantastic. After lunch, we all walked back to the David Citadel hotel and enjoyed some excellent lunch. Steven Daniel and I then went swimming in the outdoor swimming pool. Don't let the fact that Israel is in the desert fool you. It was COLLDDDDD. Still wayyy worth it.
Steven and I then chilled and watched some South Park in the room while Daniel took a nap. That night, we did Havdalah and then went out.
This night was an epic night for Nativers. I asked Seth, Seffi, Tyler, Joey, Jesse, and Jordana to come out to dinner with my family. the 11 of us went to La Guta, a delicious meat restaurant off of Derech Beit Lechem street. Everyone loved the food and I loved introducing my family to some of my best friends on Nativ. After the 3 hour dinner, we walked back to the hotel for another great nights' sleep.
The next morning, we woke up early because my family wanted to see Hebrew U campus. We took a taxi to Hebrew U and I showed them around. I first showed them the lookout point over West Jerusalem. It's a really beautiful view on its own, but its extra beautiful because normally, tourists aren't allowed where Hebrew U is. Hebrew U at Mount Scopus is across the green line, aka East Jerusalem. So, we got a totally different perspective of Jerusalem. Then, I showed them the Rotherberg International school where we study. We then enjoyed great lunch at the Frank Sinatra cafe. Steven sat in my Silicon Wadi class with me for the first hour and a half. That night, I didn't sleep over because my parents were leaving early the next morning for the south.
Monday started midterms week. Stupid monday.
On Monday night after school, I went down to Mitzpe Ramon to spend Tuesday with my family. I took off ulpan and skipped erev Nativ. My family called a taxi for me, and I began my long journey south. The hotel was pretty good, and I was very excited for the big day ahead of me.
I hope I get all this right. The next morning, we woke up and had breakfast. We then went with our tour guide, Michael, to the bike place. We picked up our bikes and rode all the way to Ramon Crator. Ramon Crator was where we had desert survival, but we hiked on the other side of it. My family and I biked on the side where there was actually a town, people, roads, civilization, etc. After the bike ride, we went rapelling down a cliff. It happened to be the same cliff that I rappelled down when I was on pilgrimage two summers ago, but it was still so much fun.
After an exciting rappel, we loaded up the car and headed off to the bike place. This place also turned out to be a bed and breakfast, so that's where we had an amazing veggie lunch. Yum. I wish I could describe it to you, but my writing is pretty bad and I don't really remember it too well. Yea I need to update sooner tell me about it. We went back to the hotel and swam (this time in an indoor pool) and chilled for a little bit. Around 8:30, I got into the taxi and quickly returned to real life: MIDTERS. For the record, at Deerfield High School we never called them midterms. We called the test after first semester finals, then the tests after second semester finals. So this term is pretty humorous to me. I studied Hebrew on the way home with the driver. He was super helpful and is part of the reason that I did well. I got a B on my midterm which I think is great considering all the studying I did was with a taxi driver for 45 minutes. Solid.
Wednesday was the Ulpan midterm. Nothing too difficult and as I said I did well on it so yea. I also started my freshman writing final paper and Israeli Society and Politics (now to be known as isp) paper. each had to be 10 pages long. grrrr
My family returned Wednesday night late, so I just met up with them after my final freshman writing class on Thursday. We hung around Jerusalem for a bit until it was time to go to the Nativ Thanksgiving Banquet!!!!
Everyone on Nativ was at the banquet, plus a ton of former nativers and other families that were visiting. We started the night with a short video for the parents and former nativers to show them what life on Nativ is like this year. We then split up by track (kibbutz and kehillah) for dinner. My family and I sat with my suitemate Jesse's family and Tyler. It was a great dinner. After dinner, I said bye to my family and went downstairs to the auditorium for the Nativ only video. It was really funny and clever. It included every Nativer.
That night, I went to a jazz concert in the old city. It was this new age jazz, I wouldn't even call it jazz, that I didn't particularly get into. Oh well. I got back to base around 11:30 and made it to the Citadel by midnight. My dad insisted on going out even though he was exhausted to get something to eat. We went down Kind David street towards Ben Yahuda (aka the place where all the Americans/Yeshiva Buchar's/Israeli hang out on Thursday nights until late). He was really surprised by the amount of people there at 1:00 am. There was about 300 people walking about. I wasn't surprised but I guess thats because I'm used to it by now. We went to the coffee shop and got cookies. They were really tastey. Around 1:45, we walked back to the Citadel to go to sleep.
Friday morning, we met up with our friends Roee and Mor. We walked around Jerusalem with them. We went to the shuk, Machane Yahudia to get some Marzipan and food for the weekend. After we found Dad and Roee (they got lost), we went back to the Citadel to hang out and prepare for Shabbat. We got dressed and went to dinner at our family friend's house Linda Gradstein. It was a very enjoyable Shabbas dinner.
Talmud time. Finish later.
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