Thursday, November 5, 2009

Week Update: Nov 1-5

What's going on America,

I've decided that if nothing extra exciting happens during the week and I don't have a good reason to blog, I'll just blog every Thursday to give a weekly update on what's happenin' here in the holy land. So look for the weekly update. Plus some pictures if I can get some. Pic's from the internet don't seem to work on blogger which is super lame because I don't have my camera with my at all time but other people do. So when I figure out how to use those pics I'll put them up. I think I just did, so well see.
ANYWAYYYYY let's start on sunday, and you know what that means! Silicon Wadi! It was much better this week than in past weeks. Our teacher, Avner Halperin, isn't a teacher. He is just a successful entrepreneur who just teaches the Silicon Wadi class once a week. That has its ups and downs. One of the plus's is that he really knows the material not because he studied it so much, but because he lived it. One of the downsides is that he isn't very good at teaching. It's a fair trade off.
Talmud was cancelled on Monday, which was awesome, but instead of having the usual 4 hour break, we instead had a 6 hour break. That was rough. I couldn't really focus in Talmud on Wednesday, but I really enjoyed the homework. It talked about the idea of living life to the fullest, aka fulfilling all the mitzvot possible, and the reason why you may not be getting rewarded for it. In other words, "why do bad things happen to good people?" According to Rabbi Abaye, if you act poorly in your life, you will be rewarded well in this life but suffer severe concequences in the afterlife. If you act in a righteous manner, you may not be rewarded in this life, but in the next. Very interesting stuff.
Society and Politics has just gotten boring. Our teacher is ALWAYSSSS late, and while normally I wouldn't complain, he then keeps us that much later. Since it's my last class, his tardiness at the beggining directly effects how quickly I get back to base on Mondays and Wednesdays. I thought this would be more like a poli sci class, and so did Reina the Nativ Advisor, but she was wrong. So far, we have mostly just learned about the history of Israeli society; ie immigration from 1870 til today. I'm pretty sure the topic of my paper will be on Operation Cast Lead, the IDF's operation last winter. That should be a good paper.
Speaking of writing papers, unlike the previous class, Freshman Writing still is terrible. Today, she talked to us for literally 30 minutes on what a credible source is. According to our teacher, the New York Times, the Jerusalem Post, or any newspaper is not credible source to get information. Neither is any internet source unless it specifically comes from Hebrew University. Neither are magazines, or personal interviews. So then I asked if Rabbi's are a credible source, considering my topic is Conservative Judaism, and she responded "well, sometimes." Right.

This week, I got to work out twice at the YMCA. It was great. I also got over being sick, I think, and that's good too. The Nativ Fantasy basketball league is going ok. I'm currently in second to last place, but I have faith that will change very soon. Jake Brown helped me with the draft, so how could my team be bad?

I wrote my first album review!!!!!! This is a huge deal for me, so if you have some time, check it out. My good friend Tyler Silver, aka T. Silvs has a website, It's a Hip-Hop blog, but I wrote about the funk group Soulive and their new album Live in San Francisco. Let me know what you think of it! Here's the link:

This weekend is a closed Shabbat. We have programming all day Saturday, probably Friday night as well. But Saturday night, aka "Motzei Shabbat" as it's called here, is the memorial service for Itzak Rabin. I'll definitely get pictures from that.

OK, I'll post some pic's and say bye for now.

Talk soon! And feel free to email me if you have questions, comments, whatever. Love to hear from you.


Me and my Roomatey Seffi!

Me, Joey and Nadav walking around last Thursday night at Adina's birthday party!

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